Monday 4 January 2010 begins

A couple of days before Christmas I was idly bipping to the fragrant Shirley on Facebook livechat and in the course of the exchange of hot air I mentioned that one of my fondest childhood memories was the weekend Supermousse treat. Shirley is my friend and she empathised and she understood how I yearned and panged for it to be 1985 again so I could get down to Crazy Prices and avail myself of a mint choc chip. Well, what do you know? I don't know how Mumsy did it but it was the best Christmas present ever - six Supermousses! Epic! ... So, I've made myself all comfy to write this and I've got me a supermousse to blog by and I've even artisically decorated it with some Munchies.

Mumsy has probably had them Supermousses in the freezer for the past 25 years...

Anyway, I must apologise for the tardiness of my blogging and I promise faithfully to do it so much better in this bright and shiny new year - that and so many other things...

I only had one resolution and that was just to try to approach everything with a slightly better attitude, which is part of the reason why I'm doing this blog at long last after banging on and on to anyone who'd listen about going to do it since pussy was a kitten...

So, what's my craic? I could shriek actually. This is the second time I've written this - hopefully it'll be slightly more coherant second time around - but I doubt it. I accidentally deleted it just as I was about to post it. Nightmare! I nearly cracked up. I could've sobbed till my throat hurt, but that's not gonna get this done so I'm just doing a 'heads down, bums up' and getting on with it. Maybe have another supermousse to cheer myself up when I've finished.

I've spent a lot of time lately in online conversation with the charming Bill Taylor from Craic Addict Films. Purely on business matters - obviously, with maybe a teensy weensy bit of setting the world to rights and a tiny dash of bitching about the industry...

I've done a few filmy things with Bill over the past few months and I must say his methods and his 'devil may care' attitude appealed to me; and somehow I appear to have talked my way into an involvement in the production of Craic Addict's forthcoming feature - Scifi 2010 - which is awesome! Bill foolishly let me think up my own job title - what was it again? 'Executive Production Consultant' - something like that. I can call it what I like, I'll still probably be the one sticking the kettle on.

I've also got an itty bitty part in the film, but to be honest I'm more excited about getting an opportunity to be bossy and yell at people through the megaphone again.

I told Bill about a few of my own ideas for scripts today. Just a few things that have been slow cooking in my head over the past while as I haven't been writing so much lately, and to cut a short story even shorter he was keen to work on other people's scripts and he seemed to like my ideas and it looks like he's pretty much agreed to make at least the one script we discussed today and see how it goes. Sweet! I know Craic Addicts has a bit of a back log work wise at the moment, so I'll have to take my ticket and get to the end of the queue, but that's absolutely fine and dandy - it'll give me time to re draft the script again, which I want to do more than ever now after today's chat with Bill who somehow made me see the whole thing in a completely different topsy turvy way - for the better I hasten to add.

I tried texting my occasional writing buddy Glenn after this. I say try because my dopey phone hasn't worked properly since Halloween night when it got drenched in a downpour in the middle of the night whilst I was miserably trying to locate a taxi. Anyway - Glenn - yes! Now I've told him to his face many times that he would be brilliant if he wasn't so chuffing lazy and apathetic. Really - in conversation he's incredible, his ad lib would make most stand up comedians weep and sell their souls for just a night with that kinda talent...but see trying to make him actually DO something? That's mostly where I come in. Glenn and I have had this script idea we've been bouncing around for years now - literally years -and it's so sweet, and it won't go away but we just haven't had a chance to do anything with it until now, because I pitched it today and I know that if we had a half decent draft of the script it would happen. I feel the time is right and we have arrived at the natural time of fruition for this thing. Bill would love it. I know he would. It would appeal to his adolescant sense of humour. Watch this space.

So that's the next thing on the list - Glenn doesn't seem to have resurfaced from his Christmas/New year jaunt to the family homestead in Templepatrick yet, but as soon as he's back I'm going to catch up with him, we're going to hoke out the reams of dusty copious notes we made for this project, drink too much coffee and lock ourselves in a room while I stand over him with a big stick until we get this thing pulled together properly once and for all.


I've got so much stuff to do at the moment, so many projects. I expect I'll be using this blog as a platform to whinge about it all in due course.

The only other thing I really want to say right now is look out for the online gathering of Ikon:binary on 10.01.10 at 10pm. I'll post the link up as soon as I find out what it is. It's going to be epic - and I'm not just saying that because I'm involved.

Hope I haven't scared you off....


  1. Oooh didn't know you had a blog! Excellent! I NEED to know where your mum got those supermousses!! ;)

  2. If you ever need runners or interns, you know who to call!

